Monday, March 28, 2011

FIS Principles Strugle

Forum Indonesian Welfare want to convey the principal lines of struggle to achieve a total change towards a better Indonesia.

There are 3 main thoughts that want to offer on this forum to be a common awareness of the citizens who care about the future of the nation.
The three principal are:

World Food Warehouse, World Tourist Destination and the World Lung.

A complete overhaul "the Constitution" towards People Sovereignty's democratic constitution.

Total overhaul of the concept of Regional Autonomy Autonomy in the Province not emphasize the district. In accordance with rules model of state management is commonly performed in the world.

FIS also take the format as a forum of intellectual cross-ideological, religious, racial and other differences and not the party let alone the mass organizations. Which is a set of intellectuals from various organizations and individual intellectual who comes from Aceh, Bandung, Jakarta, Bekasi, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Makassar, Palopo and Papua.

The existing management of the volunteers are unpaid volunteers to manage the activities and services of this Forum. Discussions are also ongoing discussions FIS autonomously in different places on a regular basis with a focus on 3 general principal that has been agreed.

With this announcement we would like to share the understanding of FIS principles strugle.
Thank you.

Forum Indonesian Welfare
New Vision - New System - New People.

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