Monday, March 28, 2011

Parliamentary Democratic Analysis

The absurdity of democracy in the aspect of non-repesentatif ekopol

In terms of economic and political democracy, representative of 99.9% proved to fail in practice a process pengakomodasiaan individual desires. technically, dozens of people who are in a representation or a representation of the 10,000 people who represented their aspirations is a fatal anakronis. Perhaps in this discussion will not elaborate further on the absurd as a representative democracy in the review of political economy has been caused by the earlier discussion on this subject. Now, to see the changes that occurred or an "error" within the scope of a system of representative democracy we should not just look at the political and economic terms alone, because the only view from this side then it is likely tereduksinya understanding of the critique of representative democracy is possible . Therefore, the discussion this time will be discussed from the aspect of "psychic", how the mechanism of representative democracy to the region nirsadar influential. working mechanism is not representative domokrasi system can run without a peripheral cutting edge and contemporary pembatu course.

we need to know that in a representative democracy is not equitable division of power, in the sense in this system, more people gave their proxies to others that feel able to, that in fact many masalh are not resolved satisfactorily. why is this so? , Without prejudice to the cause of economic and poltiknya, this is also due to the reproduction of power and hierarchy which is unavoidable in a system of representative democracy. as an example of a simple system of representative democracy in this country must have a vertical hierarchy structure / from the top down. from the president who holds the highest position until the daily executive / technical / houseboy who is at the root level of this structure (sorry, in a system like this people do not have the authority to make decisions based on individuals who summarized in his own community). Day successive years even, have now changed the century, the millennium change, but it is still practiced, perhaps this is intentional or? I remember with what is said by a character in the comic V for Vendetta: "a system like this can survive not because ketidaksengakjaan you but this is the intention that you are doing for centuries." theoretical but it also caused or assisted by the reproduction of power through the internalization of surveillance [1] or what we often call with panoptisisme system that makes a compliance in the community, J. Bentham was an English philosopher who discovered the origin of a modern prison century concept -16 Panoptikon named. In the concept of a prison system that digagasnya panoptikon are the prisoners feel always supervised by guards, although supervision is not running. This is possible because the design makes the prison guards to see the prisoners but not vice versa. This means that prisoners can not see the prisoners because the prison design that is so [2].

understanding that we can simply conclude from the quotation above is, that within the structure of advanced capitalism is still valid and exists today, to hierarchy and domination inherent in a representative democratic system that is used by the majority of the population on this earth, is this have been internalized in the area of ​​human knowledge without realizing it. And through a conscious human knowledge as a relation (extension cord) between the supervisor and the supervised in this respect ourselves. presence of forms of knowledge (not all knowledge of course) who becomes a relation (surveillance equipment), power is caused by a design or pattern that is not terhidarkan of this system or in other words designed as such. as in the writings of M. Foucault, he said that "Discipline and Punish: ".... he (The Prisoner) Becomes always the object of information, but never be a subject of communication ..." (.... he (prisoner) has always been object information, but never the subject of the communication). a system of knowledge that we got today is not the subject of knowledge we make it but an information for the "supervisor" to get a falid information on this subject. as an example in a University of intelligence a student is determined by a high value rather than on a conscious understanding of the knowledge learned. then it was made an index of achievement / like to be able to continue to measure (monitor) the extent of compliance and discipline * a student in the campus.

Umar Khattab

December 4, 2010 at 12:46pm · Like · Dislike · Report

Imam Subagyo likes this.

Basri Hasan Bung Umar, anda menyebut gagal dari mana tolok ukurnya? Anda punya sistem yg lebih baik dari demokrasi, silahkan disampaikan apa memang ada.
December 4, 2010 at 1:14pm · Like
Umar Khattab Hanya berpendapat, yg di kritik dri cata2n di atas adl sistem perwakilan....demokrasi yg hakiki mnjadikan manusia sebagai subjek bukan sbg objek, artinya tak ada ototitas lain yg berada di luar mnjadi penentu nasib rakyat selain dari rakyat...See More
December 4, 2010 at 6:03pm · Like · 1 person
Imam Subagyo Obat baru yang lebih ampuh memang belum ditemukan, namun efek samping dari obat yang sekarang umum beredar mulai dirasakan.
December 4, 2010 at 6:13pm · Like · 1 person

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