Monday, March 28, 2011

Definitions The Old People (and or False New People)

age: there is no limit young or old

- Ex-ruler in the field of politics, government and legislative
- The former human rights violators and corrupt or suspected corrupt
- Members or former members of political organizations and youth underbow all parties of the existing or past
- national large conglomerates (the context that has many companies horizontally and vertically)

- devotee of the 45 Constitution, Amendment 45 Constitution and its pro to 2 tirans
- mentality: Feudal, mystical, occult, cult of the individual, cult the symbolism, hate healthy competition
- Centralized, ultranationalist chauvinist, fascist
- paranoid: democracy, poeople's sovereignty, internationalism, human rights (humanity and justice), constitutional amendments
- pro Pancasila be as low as ideology, not as ideal umbrella for the ideologies (because the ideology of the state = only in fascist and communist countries)

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