Sunday, April 3, 2011

China and global

Cesi C'est
• China would be weakened and it would be isolated internationally;
• The most densely populated regions of the Earth will be significantly chopped;
• By using the potential nuclear war as a pretext, the dollar would be sharply devalued or a new currency introduced, and China’s currency reserves would depreciate, thus solving the problem of the astronomical U.S. debt.

That is essential. The Wall Street needs war. War and Chaos. Everywhere. Preferably a limited nuclear war. Preferably fought by others. That is the essence of what is happening today. And the United States will start it wherever it can. It will provoke North Korea; it will provoke South Korea. Then terrorists will detonate a bomb in India, with a well-defined trail of evidence leading to Pakistan…

This is exactly why Russia and China sign joint declarations with the West condemning Pyongyang. We cannot allow a slightest pretext for escalation.

This is why a vague ‘mystical analysis’ web-site specializing in ‘revelations’ from the ‘Russian sources’ desperately invents such pretexts. (*) They also need to crack the trust inside North Korea-China-Russia trio of the ‘Korean sextet’.

Let us wish North Korea stamina and courage. They will be subject to extreme provocations.

Let us wish the leadership of South Korea wisdom and intelligence to understand Washington’s intent, and that unification of Korea at such a price is unacceptable. Seoul will also need stamina—they will also undergo pressure and provocation. Otherwise, a second Korean war is just around the corner. And it will be the Asian Nuclear War
about 4 months ago
Mohamad Zaidan Fitri likes this.
Nasche Ammad aida ces@...a second Korean war is just around the corner. And it will be the Asian Nuclear War.....R U KIDDING ME ISN'T IT...IT WILL NOT BE HAPPENED..(SEE THE THEORY OF HENRY KESINGER).
November 25, 2010 at 6:50am
Cesi C'est Nasche Ammad : that rusian review prediction so what?
November 25, 2010 at 6:52am
November 25, 2010 at 6:57am
Bayu Dwihanto Kuncahyono Change the hard power become soft power .....RIGHT NOW !
November 25, 2010 at 7:21am
Ade Muhammad added Haryo Legowo and Raden Lalu Wan Toq to the group.
about 4 months ago

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